الأبحاث المنشورة:
1- Agwa, A., Aly, M. M., Bonaly, R (2000): Isolation and characterization of two Streptomyces species produced non polyenic antifungal agents. J. Union Arab Biol. Vol.7 B, pp.: 62- 84.
2- Aly, M. M., El-Sabbagh, S., El-Shouny, W. and Ebrahim, M. K. (2001): Salt tolerance of maize under the effect of Azotobacter chroococcum and Streptomyces niveus. J. Union Arab Biol. Vol.10 B, pp.: 62- 84.
3- Ebrahim, M. and Aly, M.M. (2002): Wheat response to foliar application of zinc and inoculation with some bacterial fertilizers. Proceed in, Plants and Industrial Pollution, Cairo, March 6 th 2002 pp (59-72).
4- El-Sabbagh, S.M.. El-Shouny, W.A., Aly, M. M. (2003): Biosynthesis, purification and characterization of pectinase from Erwinia chrysanthemi 415. Egypt. J. Biotechnol.Vol.15:224-245.
5- Ghanem, N. F. and Aly, M. M. (2003): Antitumor activity of Streptomyces (AFS99) against the induced-liver tumorigeneses in mice. J. Medical Research Institute. Vol. 24 No. 4: 88-106.
6- El-Hamashary, H., Al-Sigeny, S. and Aly, M. M. (2003): Synthesis and Biological study of some new acid functionalized starch-graft- polyacrlamide. Part I. 7th Int. Conf. Chemistry and its role in development (ICCRD), Mansoura – Sharm El-Sheikh 14-17 April.
7- Aly, M.M. and Mahmoud, Y A (2003): Alkaline and acid phosphatase activity during the interaction between vasicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (Glomus fasciculatum) and Rhizobium legominmsarum cultivar Vicia on the growth of faba bean. Egypt. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 15 , pp.: 15-31.
8- Mahmoud, Y. A., Ebrahium, M. K. and Aly, M. M. (2004): Influence of some plant extracts and microbioagents on some physiological traits of faba bean infected with Botrytis faba. Turkish J. of Botany. Vol. 7: 21-30.
9- Mahmoud, Y. A. and Aly, M. M. (2004): Anti-cadida and mode of action of two newly synthesized polymers: a modified poly (methylmethacrylate-co-Vinylbenzoylchloride) and a modified linear poly( chloroethylvinylrther-co-Vinylbenzoylchloride) with special reference to Candida albicans and Candida tropicals. Mycopathologia 157: 145-153.Netherland.
10- Aly, M. M. (2004): Biodegradation of morpholine and heterocyclic analogous by Pseudomonas putida GR12.2. Egypt. J. Biotechnol.Vol., 17:568-589.
11- Aly, M. M. and El-Sabbagh, S. M. (2004): Nile-water sediments as a source of actinomycetes exhibiting biomedical activity. Proc.3th Int. Conf. Biol. Sci.,Tanta Uni. 27-28 April.
12- Aly, M. M., Ghanem, N. F. and Bakr, S. M. E. (2004): LD504, new inhibitor of Glutathione S- transferase produced by Streptomyces sp LD504, induced-salivary glands damage and chromosomal aberration in rats. J. Union Arab Biol. 7-9 Sep. Cairo Uni. Egypt.
13- Aly, M .M.(2004): Synergistic effect between vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and some nitrogen fixing bacteria on tomato. Proc.3th Int. Conf. Biol. Sci.,Tanta Uni.27-28 April.
14- Aly, M. M., El-Sabbagh, S., El-Shouny, W. and Ebrahim, M. k. (2003): Physiological response of Zea mays to NaCl stress with respect to Azotobacter chroococcum and Streptomyces niveus. Pakistan J. Biological Sciences 6 (24): 2073-2080.
15- Ebrahim, M. and Aly, M. M. (2004): Physiological response of wheat to foliar application of Zinc and inoculation with some bacterial fertilizers. J. Plant Nutrition, 27 (10) pp: 1-16.USA.
16- Azab, E, Aly, M.M., and F, M. (2005) Production of uricase enzymes from soil microorganisms. Egypt. J. Micro. 12: 43-50.
17- El-Hamashary, H., Al-Sigeny, S. and Aly, M. M. (2006): Synthesis and Biological study of some new acid functionalized starch-graft- polyacrlamide. Part II. Carbohydrates Polymers 64 (2006) 282-286 (on line).
18- Amer, S., Aly , M. M., and Sabbagh, S. (2006) : Biocontrol of dermatophytes using some plant extracts and actinomycetes filtrates. Egypt. J. Biotech. 330-315.
19- Aly, M. M., El-Sabbagh, S., El-Shanshoury, A. (2006): Herbicide substance from Streptomyces lavendulae with antibiotic, insecticidal and mutagenic activities. Egypt. J. Biotechnol. Vol. 22, 16-36.
20- Rabah, S., Azab, E. and Aly, M.M. (2006): Studies on bacterioplankton and inhibitory strains of actinomycetes in lake Bardawil, Egypt. World J. Microbio. Biotechnol. Vol. 23, No. 2, February, 2007(On line).
21- Rabah, S., Azab, E. and Aly, M. M.(2006): Efficiency of waste stabilization pond in removing some pathogenic bacteria and the possible role of aquatic actinomycetes. N. Egypt. J. Microbiol. Vol. 15, 186-203.
22- Mahmoud, Y. A., Aly, M. M and Amer, S. (2007): Production of new derivatives of polyenic antifungal agent similar to candicidin from Streptomyces. Assuit J. Micro. Vol. 35(1)61-82.
23- Aly, M.M. and Bafiel, S. (2008): Screening for Antifungal Activities of Some Medicinal Plants Species of Traditional Saudi Arbia Medicine. : International Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Part II). South Affrica.