Distinguished Lecture 1
Deanship of Scientific Research
King Abdulaziz University
Prof. Randy Gaugler
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, USA
Albert Einstein Professor of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Case Studies in Bridging the Gap Between Science and Market
The first lecture of the Distinguished Lecture Series will be presented by Prof. Randy Gaugler, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA and Albert Einstein Professor of the prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He will be speaking on "Case Studies in Bridging the Gap between Science and Market".
For academicians and researchers, it is imperative to publish high quality publications to secure faculty positions or research grants. The process of initiating research, securing grants, generating data, and publishing in high impact journals is challenging. Prof. Gaugler will describe approaches to bridge the gap between the Science and Market from his personal experience in patenting and licensing technological innovations.
Prof. Gaugler has had an accomplished academic career spanning four decades where he has published more than 300 publications, eight patents, nine technological licenses, and ten commercial products. He has been editor, co-editor and member of the advisory board of multiple international journals. Prof. Gaugler is the recipient of more than 40 honors and awards, including Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAA), Fulbright Senior Scholar, Medals and Fellow of the Japanese Society for Promotion of Sciences, Entomological Society of America, Society of Nematologists etc. Prof. Gaugler has visited 90 countries to lecture, attend conferences, and to conduct collaborate research. His research has received nearly 18,000 citations.
Finally, Prof. Gaugler's experience working in Middle Eastern countries is a valuable asset, that he will use in putting the facts in the right perceptive with reference to the Deanship and the University.
You are welcome to attend the lecture.
Introduction Zoom lecture FINAL .pdf